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Репетитор на все времена!
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Станьте счастливым, уверенным в себе и успешным человеком!
Узнайте, как перезагрузить свое подсознание: из неудачника в любимчика фортуны всего за месяц.
Если вы чувствуете, что ваша жизнь идет не так, как вы об этом мечтали.
Если по-настоящему радостные дни вы можете пересчитать по пальцам одной руки, а все остальное время вы не живете, а существуете по какому-то унылому сценарию.
Если вы хотите изменить себя, но не знаете, с чего начать или же все предыдущие попытки повлиять на свою судьбу заканчивались плачевно.
Тогда вам стоит сейчас заварить чашку любимого чая и внимательно, слово за словом, прочесть то, что я собираюсь вам рассказать.

При проведении ЕГЭ по английскому языку в 2014 году в пунктах приёма экзамена было аккредитовано более 400 общественных наблюдателей и репетиторов, и школьники не пошли в ЕГЭ туризм. Как сдают ЕГЭ по English в дагестанской провинции?
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Урок английского языка онлайн

Date: 1300-1400
Language: Old French
Origin: drogue
Related topics: Drugs, Medicines, Drug Culture
1 наркотик [a countable noun] an illegal substance such as marijuana [mariwAna] or cocaine [kakEin], which some people take in order to feel happy, relaxed, or excited

take/ use drugs do drugs informal (= take drugs) 
be on drugs (= take drugs regularly) 
experiment with drugs (= try taking drugs) 
come off drugs (= stop taking drugs permanently) 
high on drugs (= experiencing the effects of a drug) 
hard drugs (= strong drugs such as heroin, cocaine etc) 
soft drugs (= less strong drugs such as marijuana) 
recreational drugs (= drugs people take for pleasure) 
drug abuse drug overdose (= when someone takes too much of a drug and becomes unconscious or dies) 
drug trafficking/ smuggling (= bringing drugs into a country)

A lot of young people start taking drugs at school.
One third of America's thirteen-year-olds use drugs.
I don't drink, and I don't do drugs.
She always looks as though she's on drugs.
All the band experimented with drugs, particularly LSD.
Parents should talk openly to their children about the dangers of drug abuse.
Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose.
After being returned to the USA he was convicted on drug trafficking charges.
the war on drugs

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2 лекарство - a medicine, or a substance for making medicines:
a drug used in the treatment of cancer
drug for
new drugs for AIDS-related conditions
Drugs prescribed (= ordered for people) by doctors can be extremely hazardous if used in the wrong way.
to prescribe radio-therapy [massage, a holiday] — предписать /назначить/ радиотерапию [массаж, отдых]

to prescribe a medicine for the gout — прописать /выписать/ лекарство против подагры
the subjects prescribed — изучаемые /проходимые/ (по программе) предметы

The big drug companies make huge profits.

3 допинг - a substance that people doing a sport sometimes take illegally to improve their performance:
She was banned from the Olympics after failing a drug test (= a test that shows if you have taken drugs).
performance-enhancing drugs

4 [usually singular] a substance such as tobacco, coffee, or alcohol, that makes you want more and more of it

5 be (like) a drug
if an activity is like a drug, you enjoy it so much that you want to do it more and more:
Athletics is like a drug, it keeps dragging you back for more.

Definition from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
Dictionary results for "drug"
drug of abuse — лекарство, допускающее злоупотребление
(стимулятор, наркотик, галлюциноген, урок английского языка онлайн и т. п.)

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drowse verb
drowsy adjective
drubbing noun
drudge noun
drudgery noun
drug1 noun
drug2 verb
drug addict noun = addicted to drugs
drug baron noun
drug czar noun
drug dealer noun

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Пример урока по написанию эссе на английском языке

  • My name is Yulia. I'm a student of Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
  • It is one of the best technical universities in Russia.
  • I study at the faculty of biomedical engineering.
  • In the future I will work with medical equipment for both diagnostic and therapy.
  • This direction in the current science is very promising, as new technical solution in medicine are appearing.
  • A few days ago I successfully passed the exams.
  • And now I am on the fourth year of studying.
Coming year promises to be very difficult, because at the end of the fourth course I will have to protect bachelor degree. All next year I will be engaged in scientific work and preparing for state exams.
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  3. появляются новые решения.

to defend a dissertation = to uphold /to defend/ a thesis — защитить диссертацию
to present a thesis — представить или защитить диссертацию
Project work is orally defended before the faculty and before peers.
Imagine driving along a bridge that is so long that you can't even see the other end.

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4 комментария:

  1. С урока разговорного английского репетитора МГЛУ Москвы:
    Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу фразовыми глаголами. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов в талоне ответов под соответствующей буквой (а-d).

    1) throw up 2) set up 3) give up 4) go through 5) throw away 6) tire out 7) set off

    a) ___all packaging from this toy for safety reasons.

    b) We __ at four o’clock in the morning and arrived late in the evening.

    c) She’s going to __ an organization for people with similar problems.

    d) All that walking up and down the hill will easily __me __.

    у вас можно приобрести диск с тестами вступительных испытаний за прошлые годы в Московский Лингвистический Университет, верная ли это информация? Если да, то как можно приобрести? спасибо!
    Вот правильные ответы на все дополнительные тесты внутренних испытаний в Московский Лингвистический Университет - вступительные экзамены в МГЛУ Москвы.

    Synonyms for quit
    The train to Rotterdam departs at 6 pm sharp.
    Have you heard that Mrs Andrews resigned from the board of directors?
    This exercise was very difficult and I finally gave up.
    Disloyal sailors often desert their ship.
    You have to quit smoking because it's not good for you!
    The teacher asked the noisy students to quit talking.
    My best friend deserted me in a time of need.
    He easily abandoned his career.
    Why did Julia abandon her husband?

    Прием по внутренним экзаменам | Образование | Московские новости
    Право проведения дополнительных испытаний для абитуриентов в этом году получили МГЛУ и ВШЭ.
    По работе я сталкиваюсь с приёмной комиссией Московского государственного лингвистического университета, в нашем вузе внутренний экзамен для будущих лингвистов в вузе включает в себя тест и аудирование, минут на 180. Проведение дополнительных испытаний не только дает преимущества, но и повышает престиж университета.
    МГУ и МГЛУ получили право провести дополнительные испытания по ряду направлений подготовки. Московский государственный лингвистический университет - бывший ИНЯЗ. Хотя структура теста и похожа на ЕГЭ по иностранному языку, уже прошедшие испытания свидетельствуют, что тест сдаётся максимум на 80%.
    Во-вторых, как отметил проректор МГЛУ, внутренние испытания все-таки охватывают немножко институтскую программу. Московский государственный лингвистический университет (МГЛУ) — один из лидеров в таких супер-тестах.
    Вузы с дополнительными испытаниями.
    Тэги: дополнительные экзамены, вузы, поступление в вуз, новости образования.
    Московский государственный лингвистический университет.
    Теги: Тест МГЛУ Математика Репетитор Вступительные экзамены Дополнительные испытания.
    Правила приёма: Вступительные испытания.
    Правила внутреннего распорядка для обучающихся в МГЛУ.

    1. The list of Sociopath characteristics is so perfect, no wonder so many become Realtors.
      Sociopaths/ Realtors can be extremely manipulative and will try to con you whenever possible.
      sociopath - социопат, человек, находящийся в разладе с обществом, склонный к антиобщественным поступкам.
      While people use the terms real estate agent and realtor interchangeably, they are not quite the same thing.
      “Real estate agent” is a generic term, signifying anyone who is licensed to assist in the selling or leasing of a piece of property. “Realtor,” on the other hand, is a proprietary term, correctly applied only to those real estate agents who belong to the National Association of Realtors.
      It was a member of an earlier version of this organization, in fact, who invented the word “realtor” itself.

      Before 1916, those who helped with the sale of property were commonly called real estate men. This indicated that their business involved actual land and houses: real estate, or realty. An organization of real estate men founded in Chicago in 1908 with an aim at enhancing the influence of their trade was called the National Association of Real Estate Exchanges. Other goals of the association were to standardize and regulate real estate practices. To this end, members were required to operate under a code of ethics called the Golden Rule. In 1916, the group changed its name to the National Association of Real Estate Boards. Charles N. Chadbourn, a member from Minneapolis, proposed in that same year that those who belonged should be distinguished from those who didn’t by a title. His suggestion, realtor, was accepted. So, too, was his proposal that the word be patented, though this occurred decades later in 1949.
      The realtor’s trade organization, which in 1978 changed its name to the National Association of Realtors, capitalizes the word and follows it with a registered trademark sign. Elsewhere, however, “realtor” appears with no special marks, and is ordinarily not capitalized. It still carries a distinctive meaning, however. In 2004, the United States Patent and Trademark Office ruled that “realtor” and “realtors," despite their frequent use, were still the property of the National Association of Realtors and could only be legally applied to its members.

      In order for someone to become a realtor, he must first take the courses and pass the test that earns him a real estate license. A little over half of the real estate agents in the United States go on to join the National Association of Realtors by applying through their local board. Membership requires the payment of annual fees and the taking of additional classes at least every 4 years. The code of ethics still governs the members.
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